City- Wide Legal Immigration Resources

Safe Passage Project

185 West Broadway

New York, NY 10013


Provides free lawyers to immigrant and refugee children who are being deported. 

Child Center of NY   



45 W 29th Street #203, New York, NY 10001


Offers free legal immigration consultations and representation to New York’s immigrant communities. 



VOLS (Volunteers of Legal Service)

40 Worth Street, Suite 820

New York, NY 10013


Provide pro-bono legal services to New York City communities. They help families resolve legal problems that may impact a child’s health and ability to succeed in school.  


ActionNYC is for every immigrant New Yorker. The program offers all New Yorkers free, safe immigration legal help in a network of trusted community-based organizations at community sites, public health facilities, public schools, and libraries. Services are provided in your language. Your immigration status does not matter. 

ActionNYC – MOIA


Legal Services NYC –  the largest provider of free civil legal services in the country, Bronx Legal Services aims to fight poverty and seek justice for the most vulnerable populations in the Bronx by providing legal advice and representation in matters involving family law, immigration, housing, education, government benefits, taxes, consumer law, and foreclosure. Since 2000, Bronx Legal Services has provided high-quality legal services to low-income intimate partner violence (IPV) and elder abuse survivors living in the Bronx. In addition, our Family and Immigration Unit prioritizes representation of survivors in cases involving orders of protection, custody, visitation, child support, spousal support, and divorce, and files dozens of U and T non-immigrant and adjustment of status applications, VAWA self-petitions, and battered spouse waivers each year. The Family and Immigration Unit also accepts a wide variety of immigration cases, which includes family-based petitions, naturalization, removal defense, SIJS petitions, and asylum.


BronxWorks – Immigration and Housing Support


Cabrini Immigrant Services – Immigration, Counseling and Food Pantry


City of New York: Action NYC Hotline, 800-354-0365, M-F, from 9am-5pm, or call 311 and say “Action NYC”  to access timely and trusted information and connections to City-funded, free and safe immigration legal help.

Immigrant Resources – HRA


The Legal Aid Society: Immigration Helpline, 844-955-3425, M-F, from 9am -5pm


Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs Hotline; (212) 788-7654 or [email protected] ; Know Your Worker Rights


New York Organizations – National Immigration Legal Services Directory – Nonprofit Resource Center – Directory


Community Resources for Immigrant NYers – NYC, Long Island, New York State | New York Immigration Coalition – Revision (


Brooklyn Defender Services – for the exact numbers and information regarding each field (Housing, immigration, criminal, etc) please visit the website:

For immigration legal needs, please call 718-564-6290


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